Gary is Professor Oak's grandson. He and Ash are rivals and he is determand to beat Ash. Gary is a spoiled brat and thinks he is the best. But really he just got lucky. That doesn't mean that he's a bad trainer it just means that he's a loser. |
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Professer Oak Professor Oak is a pokemon expert. He's devoted his life to pokemon and has a really big pokemon research centre in Pallet town. Unlike his grandson Gary, Professor Oak is really kind. |
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Team Rocket 
The member's of team rocket are Jessie, James and Meowth. Jessie is sort of the leader of the group. She is very mean and would do anything nasty. James is the weaker one. He is alway's chickening out. He came from a rich family and sometimes he wishes he were back. Meowth is a talking Meowth. He is the mastermind of the group. He would love to get rich or be very happy. |